
NFTs, Art, and the End of the World

Stan Prokopenko and Marshall Vandruff are art instructors. If you love the arts, particularly the craft of drawing and painting and image-making… and you want to level up your skills or even make a living with your skills, we are here to answer your questions. We’re here to offer you advice, refer you to our resources, share your love of the craft and maybe inspire you!

Get ready to jump into the Metaverse as Stan takes a deep dive into explaining NFTs to Marshall. Stan gives his overview of blockchain technology, why some people associate NFTs with a pyramid scheme, how others think it will revolutionize the digital art world, and what can be done to improve the space for artists and the environment.

DISCLAIMER: We are not registered investment advisers. Everything we say is our opinion alone. There are risks involved in investing in cryptocurrencies or in anything. None of the information presented here is intended as financial advice and should not be relied upon for investment decisions. Everything you’re going to hear is for informational and entertainment purposes only.


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Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

Further reading on NFTs:
NFTs and Crypto Art: The Sky is not Falling
NFTs and Physical Art
NFT pyramid scheme
The Non-Fungible Token Bible
Tim Sweeney and the Metaverse

Next episode
Developing an Illustration

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